“I wish I’d thought of teaching compounding with rabbits! Smart, funny, and totally relatable for young people who want to figure out money.”
Gail Vaz-Oxlade, financial author and TV host of Til Debt Do Us Part, Princess and Money Moron
Can a book on practical financial planning include references to sex, zombies, or Star Trek?
You might be surprised.

“Who would’ve thought the sexual proclivity of rabbits would serve as a good backdrop for learning the basics about personal finance? Rob Brown did. Wealthing Like Rabbits ingeniously uses pop culture as a medium for making money fun. Almost as much fun as the rabbits had.”
Preet Banerjee, author of the bestselling book Stop Over-Thinking Your Money!
and Bottom Line panelist on the CBC’s The National with Peter Mansbridge.
“Most personal finance writing is either simplistic or boring. Wealthing Like Rabbits is neither: Brown delivers practical, commonsense advice on saving, spending and home ownership and manages to make it entertaining. If you’re just getting started on your financial journey, make this book your guide.”
Dan Bortolotti, author of The MoneySense Guide to the Perfect Portfolio and the Canadian Couch Potato blog
“Wealthing Like Rabbits is a good read. It lays out the impact of the trade-offs we make when it comes to our money, and provides simple and specific ideas on how to improve our financial health.”
Bruce Sellery, author of The Moolala Guide to Rockin’ Your RRSP
“This is personal finance 101, told in a funny common-sense voice: Anyone looking to form good money habits will benefit from reading this book.”
Roma Luciw, personal finance editor at The Globe and Mail
“Never would have I imagined comparing compound interest to zombies. An original introduction to personal finance indeed.”
Barry Choi of www.moneywehave.com
“Brown’s book is witty, full of great analogies, and simply makes far too much sense not follow his advice.”
Mark Seed of www.myownadvisor.ca
“Wealthing Like Rabbits is the most entertaining personal finance book since David Chilton brought the wealthy barber out of retirement.”
Robb Engen of www.boomerandecho.com
“If you are hesitant to buy a personal finance book because of all the numbers, formulas and complicated jargon that most other books have – definitely consider checking out this book.”
Dan Wesley of www.ourbigfatwallet.com
“A funny, upbeat, tongue-in-cheek guide to personal finance that spells out the essentials of money management without ever allowing the reader to lapse into snoozeville.”
Jennifer R. Albert of www.jenniferralbert.com
“A fun, sassy and, above all, informative introduction to personal finance. The perfect book for anyone who wants to start planning for their future with the right tools in today’s financial landscape.”
Jessica Moorhouse of www.momoneymohouses.com
“Wealthing Like Rabbits is going straight to the top of my recommended reads list. I laughed, I learned, and then I laughed some more. Every millennial needs to read this book – especially the chapter on opportunity cost.”
Cait Flanders of www.blondeonabudget.ca